CTO of Ausweis at iForum
For our European followers - later this month our Chief Technical Officer - Alexander Patsalo - will be speaking at the iForum in Kyiv, Ukraine. This year, it will be held on April 25 in Kyiv, IEC, 15 Brovarskoy Ave.
iForum is the most massive offline conference in Ukraine. It is a forum for netizens where well-known figures tell the public about the pressing issues in the Internet community.
Alexander specializes in IoT, cloud technologies and artificial intelligence. He is the founder of a successful start-up and is now working with the Internet of things and "smart" technologies at Ausweis. He holds a degree in telecommunications and computer sciences and has more than 10 years of experience working in the IT sphere. Apart from being a project’s CTO, he manages to add to the team’s backend and frontend development.
The speech will take place at 1 pm in the Internet Technologies section of the conference. Alexander will be talking about cloud IoT Platforms, their types, and benefits. Thus, if you are interested in building highly loaded IoT systems or just plain wish to support our CTO, come see him talk! You will hear the analysis of the most popular cloud IoT-platforms from Microsoft, Amazon, and Google and determination of which platform should be chosen in each particular case to build and scale its IoT solution.